Face Lifting Treatment

Face Lifting Treatment

What Is Face Lifting Treatment?

The facelift treatment is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger look on the face. The procedure can reduce the sagging of the skin. It can also help smoothen out the folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline. A facelift surgery is also called a rhytidectomy.

As you get older, skin and tissues naturally lose their elasticity due to less production of collagen. This ultimately leads to sagging and wrinkles; facelift treatment lifts and tightens the facial tissues.

Why Is Face Lifting Treatment Required?

A facelift surgery can address many concerns, following are a few of them:

  • Sagging skin on the cheeks
  • Jowls developing on the lower half of the face (jowls is loose/sagging skin on the jawline)
  • Deep skin folds or crease lines from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth also known as nasolabial folds which tends to deepen with age.
  • Sagging skin and extra fat from the neck that looks like a double chin (if this includes a neck lift).

How Does Face Lifting Treatment Work?

During a facelift surgery, your surgeon adjusts the underlying fat and tissues beneath the skin to achieve various goals:

  • Smoothing out wrinkles and creases.
  • Removes excess skin that causes sagging or jowls
  • Lifting and tightening the facial skin.

What Are The Types Of Face Lifting Treatments?

  • Mini facelift treatment: is a specialized version of facelift treatment, tailored to address loose skin specifically around the neck and jawline.
  • Mid-facelift treatment: also known as a cheek lift, a mid-face lift treatment targets on correcting sagging skin from the upper mouth to the eyes. The area includes the middle face, cheeks, and nose.
  • Non-surgical facelift treatment:  It encompasses various techniques like vampire facelifts, liquid facelifts, and thread lifts are some examples of non-surgical facelifts. These treatments are an alternative to traditional surgical facelift treatment.

What can you expect?

In general, a facelift treatment involves lifting the skin and tightening the tissues and muscles. This includes sculpting, removing, or re-positioning the fat in the face and neck. After adjusting the facial contours, the skin is then re-draped over the newly positioned contours of the face. Any excess skin is trimmed away and the incision is closed with stitches.

A facelift surgery generally takes around 3-4 hours to complete.

After procedure:

  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Drainage from the incision
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Numbness

What Are The Precautions To Take After Having a Face Lifting Treatment?

Taking care of yourself at home during the first three weeks is crucial for a smooth recovery and to minimize the chances of complications.

Here are some essential self-care tips that can followed for a speedy recovery:

  • Follow your doctor’s wound care instructions carefully.
  • Avoid applying makeup on or near the surgical site.
  • Refrain from picking at any scabs that develop on your wound.
  • Avoid putting excessive pressure or motion in or around the surgical site.
  • Steer clear of strenuous activity including sports and heavy lifting.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for the first 3 weeks after the surgery.

What Are The Results?

A facelift can indeed rejuvenate the face giving it a more youthful appearance. However, facelift surgery results are not permanent. As we age, the skin on the face may begin to sag again over time. Typically, the results of a facelift treatment can be expected to last around 10 years.

Face Lifting Treatment Before And After

Face Lifting Treatment

Why Cosmetica India For Facelift Surgery? 

The Cosmetica India clinic is one of the leading clinics in Delhi with the most cost-effective solutions to all your aesthetic needs.

Discover the ideal combination of excellence and affordability, the best of both worlds at our clinic.

Personalized consultation: Beginning with understanding your personal goals and budget to ensure tailored recommendations.

Expertise and care: Trust in our experienced surgeon who specializes in cosmetic enhancement ensuring you receive top-notch care and achieve your desired goals.

Experience the best of both worlds – superior results and affordability – at the Cosmetica India clinic.

Reach out today to embark on your journey to a revitalized appearance!

Face Lifting with COGGS Thread


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