lip Enhancement

lip Enhancement

What is lip enhancement?

Lip enhancement includes a suite of procedures that add or restore volume to the lips and smooth vertical lines around the lips and mouth.

Lip enhancement procedures can add volume to the lips, creating a fuller appearance.

In addition to adding volume to lips, lip enhancement procedure can also make your lips symmetrical, making it look balanced.

Who requires lip enhancement?

lip enhancement procedures also address thin lips that are caused by aging for a more youthful appearance.

What do we use for lip enhancement?

The most common fillers contain substances similar to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body. It helps increase the volume in your lips.

How long are the results going to stay?

Lip injections use hyaluronic acid fillers that can keep your lips plump for up to 6 to 8 months.

Benefits of lip enhancements 

  • Restores the previous lip size: with age our lips become thin and lose volume, lip enhancement procedure helps restore the original volume giving a more youthful appearance.
  • Shape correction: likewise, the shape of lips can also be corrected or changed as per the desire of the individual.
  • Symmetrical structure: this procedure can change the structure of your lips and make it perfectly matching with your facial expressions.


  • Gentle care: One should avoid touching, rubbing and pressing the lips unnecessarily as it can disrupt the filler and lead to uneven results.
  • Cold compress: To minimize swelling and bruising, apply a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth to your lips for short intervals during the first 24 to 48 hours after the treatment. This approach aids in diminishing inflammation and expediting the healing process.
  • Hydration: Keeping your body well-hydrated is essential for the healing process. Drink plenty of water to maintain optimal hydration, which aids in skin elasticity and overall skin health. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, as they can dehydrate your body and prolong recovery.

Proper aftercare is vital for achieving the best results from your lip filler treatment.

Why to choose Cosmetica India Clinic for Lip enhancement procedure?

Following are the reasons highlighting why Cosmetica India Clinic is considered the best for lip enhancement in Delhi, focusing on affordability:

  • Expertise: staffed with experienced professionals skilled in lip enhancement procedures, ensuring precise and natural-looking results tailored to individual preferences.
  • Quality fillers: utilizes high-quality lip fillers, including hyaluronic acid-based options known for their safety and effectiveness in enhancing lip volume and shape.
  • Customized results: offers personalized consultations to discuss lip shape and volume, ensuring treatment aligns with patients’ expectations and facial features.
  • Affordability:  known for competitive pricing, making lip enhancement accessible to a broader range of clients without compromising on quality or safety.
  • Client satisfaction: focuses on achieving optimal results and client satisfaction through comprehensive pre-treatment consultations and post-procedure care.
  • Transparent pricing: provides clear and upfront pricing structures, ensuring clients understand the costs involved without any hidden fees.

Cosmetica India combines expertise, affordability, and client focused care to achieve natural and beautiful results for their clients.

Dermal Filler Treatment For Lip Enhancement


Who is the good candidate for lip enhancement procedure?
How long does lip fillers last?
Is the lip enhancement procedure painful?
Are there any risks/complications associated with lip enhancement?
Can I choose how full my lips will look after enhancement?